Aidan at 23 months

Aidan at 23 months
Aidan at 23 months

Monday, May 23, 2011

Scrapbook Time

Well, I'm excited to share that I got an order for a scrapbook yesterday. I love it when that happens. (Thank you, Shauna!!!). The cool part is that most of what I work on is boy stuff. I'm about to finish (2 pages to go) Aidan's Baptism scrapbook (will post pics soon) and so the timing couldn't have been more perfect. What's even better is that this order is for a maternity book (with a few pages for the baby shower). Yippee, It's a Girl!!!! I'm so excited. I'm lying to you not when I say, since last night all I do is think pretty pink layouts, I've been researching ideas, reading on the latest techniques and oh my, there's so much cute stuff for baby girls. I'm dying to get started. I will be on mandatory shutdown for my work next week and I already have the scrapbook schedule all set up in my head. Trying to finish a book in a week can be a challenge but there's other stuff coming up as well so I have to make sure I waste no time this coming week. Tight schedule but I'll make it work. After all women do this every day of their lives. We always seem to be able to manage 10 balls in the air, right? So I won’t complain. With the way my mind already has about 10-12 layouts all planned out though, it should go fairly smooth. I shall post pictures after I’m finished with it. After I'm done with that I have a couple of weeks to plan a fundraising event for Breast Cancer awareness. Hubby's auntie, a wonderful woman and breast cancer survivor (Go Aunt B!) is doing the 3 day walk (yes, she is, I would die within the first 5 miles...ok, make that 3, why lie?). Anyway, we will be hosting a wonderful event at our home. It's going to be a game theme, it's going to be a blast and I certainly hope it will raise money for this wonderful cause. More details to come, all my friends and family will be invited. E-vite to come in the next few days.

Now, my work, well, it's been an interesting day. Started with computer issues the moment I got into the office by 8am. By 9:30 my laptop had shut itself down 3 times and the last time looked pretty badly. Screens I’ve never seen before were coming up, words in a computer language that I thought were direct insults to my lack of technical skills. It was one of those "Ooops, did I do something?" moments. Eventually a super nice IT guy came by to pick it up and told me "Yeah, it's bad". That meant that he had to do a lot of work on it, there goes the productive day I was planning on having. My laptop was inaccessible for a few hours and by the time I returned to the office and hit traffic the day was almost over. Oh well, it is what it is. Note to self: Keep your calm, Vero; don't lose it over things you cannot control. Tomorrow I will have to work twice as hard to get caught up. Won’t be blogging manana, that’s for sure J

Well, I hope you are all having a fabulous day, hectic or not, stressful or not, it is another day that God has given us, and for that we better be grateful.

Take care chicas!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Entering the Blogging Waters in hopes I don't drown

This is my first blog and somehow I'm nervous. I don't know why either, after all this is just a medium which I plan on using only to communicate with friends and family. To share the day to day experiences I go through that I would share with them anyway if I had the time to see them as often as I wish I could. Wow, that sentence doesn't seem grammatically correct, does it? Oh my, is this what this experience is going to be like constantly for me? Always worrying whether my English is correct? Do my words make sense to those reading the blog? Yikes, the paranoia is already getting the best of me and I haven’t even hit Submit yet… so here's what I'll do. I apologize in advance if I do misspell any words here and there, if sometimes my sentences go on and on or if my thoughts lack transitions from one to the next. Believe me when I tell you, that's exactly how my mind works as well. At times I wonder how I get so much done in one day when one thing has absolute no relation to the next (did I mention that's why I'm in love with To Do Lists? ). 

Welcome to my mind, welcome to my world, welcome to my life!

I hope you all enjoy my stories and pictures as I’ll try to recap my everyday life to you. Yes, I will include the good, the bad and the ugly. Get ready, this mommy is looking to share the awesome things in her life as well as the things that drive her nuts. And I tell ya, I do have lots of things that get on my nerves. I shall try really hard to keep it all balanced.

Hoping to post again in a couple of days. In the mean time have a beautiful day and don't let anyone get in the way of your dreams. :-)
